%q=Funsql(request("q")) page=Funsql(request("page")) typeid=Funsql(request("typeid")) if numCode<>"" then if not isnumeric(numCode) then response.write"" response.end end if end if if q<>"" then if typeid<>"" then sql="select * from mrmy where content like '%"&q&"%' or author like '%"&q&"%' and typeid="&typeid&" order by id DESC" else sql="select * from mrmy where content like '%"&q&"%' or author like '%"&q&"%' order by id DESC" end if else if typeid<>"" then sql="select * from mrmy where typeid="&typeid&" order by id DESC" else sql="select * from mrmy order by rnd(id-timer()) DESC" end if end if if typeid<>"" then dim rs22,sql22,fenlei set rs22=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql22="select * from typename where id="&typeid rs22.open sql22,conn,1,1 if not rs22.eof then fenlei=rs22("typename") end if rs22.close set rs22=nothing end if set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,1,1 totalcs=rs.recordcount i=0 perpage=10%>
►名人名言," title="<%=content%>" target="_blank"><%=content%>——<%=author%>
<%rs.movenext loop else if rs.eof and rs.bof then%> <%end if end if if page="" then page=1%>